The name “Engvang” was purchased on 16. May 1913 by Anders Peder Engvang and assigned to 11 persons in the genus (those who delivered at this time). Before 16. May 1913, it can be seen from the proof of names that Olav Johan Engvang Hansen and Lars Peter Engvang Hansen an already bore the name Engvang as a middle name. It is therefore likely that Niels Peder Hansen chose the name Engvang, since his birth-born son Olav Johan Engvang Hansen bears the name. It is therefore assumed that the name dates from 5. March 1905 (Olav Johan Engvang Hansens‘s baptism day). It’s a little mystery why Karen Hansen born on 7. November 1906, did not get the middle name Engvang. This may be related to the fact that it was not normal for a girl to use her baptized surname at the time of marriage. Karen was later married and then called Karen Jonsen.

The name is the name of a geographical area which A. P. Engvang thus describes in his memories of his life: “Engvang is called it, the name is probably from ancient times… The road goes to Engvang from the main road to Helsinge and Mullerup, head west, first up one a very large hill, which is called Clausberg, and a little further to the west which is smaller, then the terrain slopes evenly towards the belt and along it over to the trading area which is called Mullerup harbor. ” Of “A. P. Engvangs erindringer” (memories) is the house in Engvang recorded (see A.P. Engvang in the Family Book).
The name Engvang is not found in the two major encyclopedias Salomonsen & Ravnkjær’s conversational encyclopedia. It must therefore be assumed that the name is composed of two words (Eng = meadow and vang = stile).
According to Solomon’s Volume VII page 194, Mead means a low and moist soil, dressed with one of moist soil and use conditions adapted to perennial and dense vegetation, consisting mainly of grasses with a size or less interference from other herbaceous plants and used for harvests and grazing. Meadow is found especially on the banks of streams, around lakes and fjords, and by the sea.
Their goodness depends on the nature of the plant cover, and this is especially dependent on the humidity conditions and the nature of the soil and water. According to Solomensen Volume XXIV page 522, Vang means an angelic plain.